Meet Cindy
Why I'm Running
I’m running for San Jose Mayor because we need genuine leadership in City Hall. It's time to have a representative who will solve the challenges impacting our families and residents.
The choices we make now will determine our collective future. It's up to us to work together to ensure the vitality and strength of this great city is felt by the entire community.

As a mother and former Vice Mayor, I have the values and experience to take on the toughest challenges facing San Jose families. As County Supervisor, I championed affordable housing by authoring Measure A – 4,400 new affordable homes are now built or in the pipeline. Working with non-profits, we relocated over 14,000 homeless people off the streets and into safe housing. I believe we can end family homelessness in San José by 2025.
When COVID-19 hit, I acted quickly, in partnership with the Board of Supervisors, to respond to an urgent public health crisis and save lives. We made Santa Clara County one of the most vaccinated populations in America. In the midst of the pandemic I helped save two hospitals, 451 hospital beds, and two emergency rooms.
I pushed the Children’s Health Initiative, guaranteeing every child in San José access to health insurance. I established the Megan’s Law Taskforce to keep sexual predators from secretly moving into our neighborhoods and made Santa Clara County the national model for using DNA evidence to find and arrest rapists by rapidly processing rape kits.
I’m running for Mayor to improve our quality of life,
And that means all of us.
We're one of the most diverse communities in the world. It's not just that our families come from more places, or that we speak so many languages and worship in various ways. We are home to some of the most drastic examples of wealth gaps on the globe. We have people living check to check alongside people who don't know where their next meal is going to come from. The very same city is home to some of the world's richest engineers, executives and entrepreneurs. I believe I can keep all of our neighbors in my heart when I am Mayor of San José. I can do what's best for all of us because I've known and lived among each of these examples. I believe compassion is heartbeat of every good solution, and every problem can be solved.
I know that by working hand in hand with police officers and our community, we can make San José the safest big city in America.
I’ll tackle the housing crisis, homelessness, rising crime, environmental sustainability, and inequality with passion and wisdom only a lifetime of public service and dedication can deliver.
I hope to earn your vote this November.
- Cindy Chavez